A lot of very rough things, but usable
Importing: Under features it states it can import snippets from other snippet managers. When attempting to do this, it correctly discovers my previous snippet library, yet upon import it crashes. Try it again, it crashes again. And again. Pretty bummed. Not excited about doing all of this by hand.
Tabs: The editor is hardwired to 4 spaces per tab. I cant see anyway to change this. If you are used to seeing all your code at 2 spaces, your code will look different in codebox. Not a huge deal, but visually annoying.
Syntax highlighting. On a regular basis, codebox goes off into the ether and all syntax highlighting goes away. A moment later it comes back. Annoying, but doesnt kill the product.
When doing whatever it is doing when syntax highlighting goes away, it will change you position in the editor, as in moving up a few pages. I notice this most when moving focus from codebox to another app. This one is super annoying as I need to then scroll and find my place in the code. If its a 10 line snippet, no big deal. If you have a long listing, its simply lost time.
Worst is it will do this when you are directly in the editor. Its like trying to write on a piece of paper and the person across the table is jerking the paper around.
Finally at times it has simply failed to highlight syntax after some point in a longer listing. The code is highlighted to a certain point, and then all highlighting stops.
The app sells for $5-10, so Im not expecting miracles, but with all the annoying things, I cant score it any higher than 3.
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